
6460 Randolph Blvd, San Antonio, TX 78233

Schedule your appointment: (210) 348-0271


Mon-Fri: 9:00 A.M. - 6:30 P.M.

Mon-Fri: 9:00 A.M. - 6:30 P.M.
SCHEDULE YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY Call for your appointment: (210) 348-0271
6460 Randolph Blvd, San Antonio, TX 78233


“In-house” mechanic shop for car dealerships near

Dealerships buy and sell vehicles on a daily basis, and they need to make sure all cars, trucks and motorcycles they acquire or sell are in the best shape possible, some of these vehicles need to be inspected and repair if needed, something that’s costly and time consuming if you don’t have the right people and tools.

We partner up with car dealerships to create a program for all the vehicles that need maintenance or repair services. Our main focus is to provide solutions to tackle car dealerships main concerns when fixing vehicles like: fast repair turnaround, bulk vehicle repairs, reliable workmanship, budget oriented, and customer service.

Are you a car dealer and need a mechanic?…

CALL US NOW! (210) 348-0271

We want to be your “In-House Mechanic Shop” without the hassle and expenses of actually having one. Remember to ask for OUR SPECIALS.

You can also…

Auto repair In-house Mechanic Shop

At Mechanic Auto Shop we want to work with you in all of your vehicle maintenance and repair needs. We want to be your “In-House Mechanic Shop” without the hassle and expenses of actually having one.

Preventative and Maintenance Services
Auto Repair Services
Pre-purchase Vehicle Inspection Services


Auto Service Free Engine Light Check

Tune shop for cars near